Elevate Your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Skills

Welcome to BJJ Madeira, the premier destination for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enthusiasts seeking to elevate their skills under the guidance of renowned black belt, Fabiano Silva.

BJJ Madeira by Fabiano Silva
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Master BJJ with Black Belt Fabiano Silva

Who is Fabiano Silva

Fabiano Silva, our esteemed head coach at BJJ Madeira, is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt trained under the legendary Sergio Vita. With a rich competitive background and a deep understanding of BJJ philosophy, Fabiano's approach to coaching emphasizes technique, strategy, and mental resilience. His dedication to the sport and his students has established BJJ Madeira as the leading BJJ school in the region.

Tailored for you

Our programs

BJJ Madeira offers a comprehensive range of programs designed to cater to every level of practitioner, from beginners to advanced competitors. Our curriculum includes fundamental techniques, self-defense strategies, competition preparation, and more. We also offer specialized classes such as women's self-defense and kids' BJJ, making the art accessible to everyone in our community.

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Icon Jiu jitsu Team

Why train at BJJ Madeira

Choosing BJJ Madeira means joining a community committed to excellence in every aspect of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Here's why our school stands out:

- World-Class Instruction: Learn from Fabiano Silva and our team icon jiu jitsu.
- Tailored Curriculum: Benefit from programs designed to accelerate your growth in BJJ.
- Inclusive Environment:
Our school welcomes everyone, fostering a supportive community.